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Projects Proposed Projects

All the projects given in our lab require some background in graphics and/or geometry.

To complete a project in the CGGC lab you will need to submit the following:

1. A written report describing your project, the challenges you encountered and the way you solved them.
2. A user guide, explaining how to use your system.
3. A YouTube video demonstrating your system.
4. Source files + executable (or APK/GooglePlay link if applicable).
5. A web site with links to all of the above.

You can look at our completed projects web page for some examples.

In addition, your project should be installed and running on one of the computers in the lab / one of our laptops/tablets.

Picture of the project Mindfulness in Virtual Reality++
Project Title:
Mindfulness in Virtual Reality++
Improve Project Mindfulness, by adding an EKG sensor and syncing with an EEG sensor
Mindfulness in Virtual Reality
Picture of the project High-Performance Raycasting with GPU
Project Title:
High-Performance Raycasting with GPU
Given a location in space, send rays in 360 degrees (from the center of a sphere in all directions) and check which rays hit models in the scene and at what distance.
Then, repeat the process as the point moves along a track.
With Prof. Dafi Fisher-Gewirtzman and Dr. Guy Austern, Faculty of Architecture.
Picture of the project Rendering water using innovative tools
Project Title:
Rendering water using innovative tools
Rendering a realistic image from a description of the 3D physical world is a challenging task. The proposed project suggests to render a water surface using the innovative Mitsuba3 tools Mitsuba 3.
This tool was developed in EPFL and is based on the new concept of differential rendering, which create a sequence of operations represented in a network resembling those used in deep learning. One advantage of this tool is that it enables also to reconstruct the 3D shape back from the rendered image. The 3D waves shape will be provided.
Picture of the project Parser for STEP format
Project Title:
Parser for STEP format
One of the more acceptable file formats for geometric CAD nowadays is the STEP file format. This project will aim to implement (a portion) of this file format as a filter to our own CAD system (Irit – See).
Start exploring
Picture of the project General Tilings in Rk
Project Title:
General Tilings in Rk
General topological tiling – this project will explore what is known on tiling in R2, R3, and beyond and will consider general tilings (regular, semi-regular, Escher-style, Penrose/aperiodic tiling, etc.). Then, a library that implements the building such tiles will be created, only to be exploited by our lattice synthesis technology.
Picture of the project Software support for 5-axis hot wire cutting
Project Title:
Software support for 5-axis hot wire cutting
Software support for (5-axis) hot wire Styrofoam cutting. A cutting machine to cut Styrofoam using hot wires is built these days using ME students. We like to build an interface between CAD software and the drivers of the build machine.
For example for such a machine, See
Picture of the project Project in Virtual and Augmented Reality
Project Title:
Project in Virtual and Augmented Reality
Discover the captivating world of virtual & augmented Reality and Augmented Reality in our innovative project course.
Picture of the project Enable PowerPoint to display and interact with IRIT geometry.
Project Title:
Enable PowerPoint to display and interact with IRIT geometry.
PowerPoint is a great tool, that is with us for many years, almost unaltered. Specifically, we still cannot display 3D geometry inside PowerPoint. This project will implement a plugin to PowerPoint that will allow the display and interaction with IRIT/OBJ/STL geometry. It can be based on an obsolete plugin we have of similar functionality.
Picture of the project Voxels offset with antialiasing and 2D marching cubes
Project Title:
Voxels offset with antialiasing and 2D marching cubes
Data processing over voxels is important in many fields. This project will deal will two specific pixel/voxel operations:
1. Offset of B&W Images in 2D and volumes in 3D, while supporting anti-aliasing. Here the white zone(s) in a B&W image/volume will be dilated or eroded by a given (real!) number of pixels/voxels.
2. 2D marching cubes of 2D B&W images will be computed, extracting the outlines of the white zone(s).
Picture of the project Tiles from Voronoi cells of curves (& bisector surfaces).
Project Title:
Tiles from Voronoi cells of curves (& bisector surfaces).
In recent year, methods were developed to construct porous/lattice geometries. One fundamental question here is how to create tiles for such lattices. In [1], such a general space feeling approach has been developed that is based on 3D Voronoi diagrams. This project will implement this idea (possibly using an existing, public domain, Voronoi diagram package) and explore the potential of this methods in creating porous geometries. [1] Sai Ganesh Subramanian, Mathew Eng, Vinayak R. Krishnamurthy, Ergun Akleman. Delaunay Lofts: A biologically inspired approach for modeling space filling modular structures. Comput. Graph. 82: 73-83 (2019).
Picture of the project Shadows of objects in different direction, using 3D models
Project Title:
Shadows of objects in different direction, using 3D models
There are many models out there on the web. One can envision the organization of random models in 3D so they can cast a shadow of a desired shape as can be seen on the right. However, can you organize a set of models so they will cast different desired shadows from 2 different directions? 3-directions? N-directions?
Picture of the project Hoberman structures of general curves with variable offset and varying arc-length per scissors
Project Title:
Hoberman structures of general curves with variable offset and varying arc-length per scissors
Recently we devised algorithms to build 2D Hoberman-like structures (see, for example,, but for general curved shapes (see, for example, and This project will extend this result to pairs-of-scissors that are of different sizes orthogonal to the curve, and different lengths along the curve. This work is more mathematical and will require the use of splines tools.
Picture of the project Kids modeler for I'm-possible models to STL
Project Title:
Kids modeler for I'm-possible models to STL
M. C. Escher requires no introduction. His so-called impossible drawings are highly intriguing. Interesting, many of his drawings can be realized as tangible objects, and mimic the impossible drawing from one specific view, as can be seen by the Necker cube, also in Escher’s Belvedere drawing, and also hanging above the entry hall of the CS department. This project will build a simple modeling environment for high school kids, so they can design regular simple 3D geometry, modify it into a so-called impossible model, and hopefully send the resulting model as an STL file to a 3D printer (that their school has).
Picture of the project 3D volumetric puzzle
Project Title:
3D volumetric puzzle
We have an ability to create complex porous/lattice geometries via volumetric function composition. By carefully designing 3D interlocked pieces, they can be composed through an interesting volumetric shape, like in a torus, a vase (on the right), or even a car. This project will also require some geometric modeling and design skills (building 3D geometry).
Picture of the project From Physical Effects to Graphical Effects
Project Title:
From Physical Effects to Graphical Effects
Physical models for effects like smoke, explosions, dust and so parameters, but they are realistic in their dynamics and features a rendering of those effects are much simpler. This project purpose parameters to get the closest output as the physical model.
Picture of the project Optimization of Ray-Tracing IR Process
Project Title:
Optimization of Ray-Tracing IR Process
In the infra-red (IR) spectrum objects emits light. We use ray-tracing shaders to simulate this process, however, this kind of rendering is expensive and time-consuming. Here we wish to examine the parameters of the process for having shorter rendering times while keeping the quality of the output image as much as possible.
Picture of the project Sea Simulation with Physical Characteristic
Project Title:
Sea Simulation with Physical Characteristic
There are many dynamical 3D models of the sea in computer graphics. We will examine how one of these models behave and fit observations of the real ocean like the horizon, sparkle, etc.
Picture of the project AR-Piano
Project Title:
An augmented reality visual piano learning tool that uses HoloLens/Tablet
Picture of the project Finding Center line
Project Title:
Finding Center line
Finding a centerline in a 3D model with junction & splits
Picture of the project Synthesis Texture Generation
Project Title:
Synthesis Texture Generation
Generate a texture from an image, for example, an image contains veins & capillary

Articles: Non-Stationary Texture Synthesis by Adversarial Expansion (SIGGRAPH 2018)

Picture of the project 3D blur geometry (like pixelization in 2D)
Project Title:
3D blur geometry (like pixelization in 2D)
Make an area on a mesh unrecognizable and can’t be reconstructed
Minecraft look-alike filter can be considered
Picture of the project Mesh Cut/Split
Project Title:
Mesh Cut/Split
Using a texture as a reference for an area selection in order to exact cut/split the mesh, cutting the mesh along the given silhouette
GUIDE: A robust algorithm at the expense of efficiency
1. CSV file of triples = close silhouette selection
2. Mesh + texture
Output: Mesh + texture
Picture of the project Surgical Application
Project Title:
Surgical Application
A pre-surgical application / software for determining the design of the custom implant, its location, size and determining the surgical plan by the surgeon while performing a graphic imaging using the patient's DICOM / CT product.
Picture of the project Project Spherical Panorama (360) on Mesh
Project Title:
Project Spherical Panorama (360) on Mesh
Turn any 360 image to a VR experience. Given a 360 panoramic and a mesh, project the 360 photo on the geometry For more details feel free to call me Boaz 052-8113321
Picture of the project VR keyboards
Project Title:
VR keyboards
Generate a new VR keyboard, using our haptic gloves
Picture of the project Haptic 3D deformation / modeling
Project Title:
Haptic 3D deformation / modeling
Use an haptic gloves to extended the physical modeling of contact surfaces, object hardness, surface deformation, 3D modeling etc.
Miri Ben-Chen, Boaz Sternfeld
Picture of the project Haptic VR - Guitar
Project Title:
Haptic VR - Guitar
Use our haptic gloves to provide a more realistic and intuitive experience for users that feel like you're actually interacting with virtual objects. Use the gloves to build a creative environment to play the Guitar
Picture of the project Embedding 3D in PDF files
Project Title:
Embedding 3D in PDF files
Adobe has support for 3D in PDF file using the PRC (Product Representation Compact) file format. Will develop a filter from IRT file format to PRC (vice versa). Enable embedding our 3D content in PDF, at will. Google “Adobe PRC 3D”
Picture of the project Tiling freeform surfaces
Project Title:
Tiling freeform surfaces
Tiling in the plane is a fairly understood problem. Periodic tiling over compact surfaces is far less understood. Trivial texture mapping will do the wrong thing.