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Dr. Michael Barton
- Position:
PostDoc - When: December 2007 - September 2010
- E-mail:

Dr. Renjie Chen
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Craig Gotsman - When: April 2011
- University: Zhejiang University
- E-mail:

Dr. Emiliano Cirillo
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Gershon Elber - When: April 2019-June 2020
- E-mail:

Dr. Sumita Dahiya
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Gershon Elber - When: November 2020-October 2021
- Room: 428
- E-mail:

Dr. Minati De
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Gill Barequet - When: May 2014-January 2015
- University: Indian Statistical Institute
- E-mail:

Prof. Roger D. Hersch
- Position:
Research - When: December 2006 - February 2007
- Now at: EPFL (Switzerland)
- E-mail:

Personal site
Dr. Q Youn Hong
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Gershon Elber - When: March 2020-September 2022
- Room: 428
- E-mail:

Dr. Yong-joon Kim
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Gershon Elber - When: November 2012
- Room: 415
- University: Seoul National University
- E-mail:

Dr. Evgeny Lipovetsky
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Gershon Elber - When: April 2021-March 2022
- Room: 423
- E-mail:

Dr. Jinesh Machchhar
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Gershon Elber - When: March 2015 - April 2018
- E-mail:

Dr. Kacper Pluta
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Miri Ben-Chen - When: October 2018-June 2021
- E-mail:

Dr. M. Ramanathan
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Gershon and Gill - When: March 2004 - July 2006
- University: Purdue University
- E-mail:

Dr. Basile Sauvage
- Position:
PostDoc - When: October 2006 - January 2007
- E-mail:

Personal site
Dr. Robert Sumner
- Position:
PostDoc - When: February 2006 - March 2006
- E-mail:

Personal site
Dr. Orestis Vantzos
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Miri Ben-Chen - When: October 2015-September 2017
- E-mail:

Dr. Ping Zhu
- Position:
Post-doctoral fellow collaborating with Gershon Elber - When: August 2013- August 2014
- University: Zhe Jiang University
- E-mail: