- Michal Edelstein will give a lecture (*PhD Talk*, Advisor: Prof. Mirela Ben Chen) on March 9th, at 09:30, Taub 401.
- Naama Alon-Borissiouk will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Prof. Mirela Ben-Chen) on February 19th, at 10:00, Taub 401.
- Congratulations to Gershon Elber on winning the Tosiyasu Kunii Award.For the interview with Gershon Elber, please visit: Interview with Gershon Elber.
- Paulo Guilherm Pinheiro Pereira, University of Sao Paulo Brazil; and Yiheng Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China, will be vising the CGGC, July 2nd to 30th.
Congratulations to Michal Edelstein on the runner-up award on her poster during the departmental research day!
- Misha Kazhdan (Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University) will be giving a CGGC seminar on January 18th, at 11:30 Auditorium GOT 012, visitors center, Taub building floor- 0.
- Tomer Giladi will present in CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Prof. Mirela Ben-Chen) on August 3rd, at 13:00, Taub 401.
- Congratulations to Shir Rorberg for winning the Best Paper Award 2nd place for her SGP 2023 paper titled: “BPM: Blended Piecewise Möbius Maps” (joint work with Amir Vaxman).
- Coming next, Our CGGC seminars will be given by Julian Panetta (Computer Science, UC Davis) on 26.06.2023 at 11:30, Taub 601; and by Amir Vaxman (The School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh) on 28.06.2023 at 11:30, Auditorium GOT 012, visitors center, Taub building floor- 0.
- Alla Sheffer (Computer Science, University of British Columbia) will be giving a CGGC seminar on June 27th, at 11:30 Auditorium GOT 012, visitors center, Taub building floor- 0.
- Coming next, Our CGGC seminar will be given by Rephael Wenger (The Ohio State University) on 16.02.2023 at 11:30, Taub 401.
- Haitham Fadila will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Prof. Gershon Elber) on January 15th, at 13:30, Taub 301.
- Rephael Wenger (The Ohio State University) will present in the CGGC seminar on November 20th, at 13:30, Taub 301.
- Coming next, Our CGGC seminar will be given by Tatsuya Yatagawa (School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo) on 24.10.2022 at 13:30, Taub 401.
- Florine Hartwig (Mathematics Center, the University of Bonn) will be visiting the CGGC and giving a lecture on 13.11.2022, at 13:30, Taub 301.
- Antoine Vinciguerra will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Prof. Gill Barequet) on September 8th, at 13:30, Taub 401. In Zoom:
- Gil Ben-Shachar will present in the CGGC seminar (*PhD Talk*, Advisor: Gill Barequet) on Thursday, 11.08.2022, at 13:00, Taub 601. In Zoom:
- Amani Shhadi will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Gill Barequet) on Thursday, 21.07.2022, at 13:00, Taub 301.
- Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu (University of Toronto) will present in the CGGC seminar on July 24th at 11:00, Taub 337.
- Justin Solomon (Electrical Engineering Computer Science Department, MIT) will be giving a CGGC seminar on June 20th, at 12:30, Taub 337.
- Shir Rorberg will present in the CGGC seminar (*Ph.D. Direct Track Seminar*, Advisor: Miri Ben-Chen) on June 8th, at 10:00, Taub 401.
- Michal Edelstein has received the Jacobs-Qualcomm scholarship for the academic year 2021/2022.Congrats Michal!
- Congratulations to Michal Edelstein for winning second place in the CS research day poster competition 2021!
- Alon Rashelbach will give a lecture on January 30th, at 13:30
- Bar Magal will present in Zoom CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Gill Barequet) on Monday 12.07.2021, at 14:30.
- Check out the warm-up projects presentations for the new collaborative course between the CGGC (Gershon, Miri and Kacper TAing) and Architecture (Yoav Shterman): course will be given again in the next spring semester.
- Alon Feldman joined the CGGC group as Miri's M.Sc Student and Benjamin Gutman joined as Miri's PhD Student. Welcome!!
- Matan Nuhamovici joined the CGGC as our new CGGC Sys Admin. Also, Shay Avraham joined the CGGC and will be managing the 3D printer. Welcome!
- Evgeny Lipovetsky joined the CGGC group from Tel Aviv University, as Gershon's Post Doc. Welcome Evgeny!
- Ramy Massalha will present in Zoom CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Gershon Elber) on Monday 15.02.2021, at 13:30.
- Sumita Dahiya joined the CGGC group from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, as Gershon's Post Doc. Welcome Sumita!
- Q Youn Hong joined the CGGC group from Seol National University, as Gershon's Post Doc. Welcome Q Youn!
- Daniil Rodin will present in the CGGC seminar (*PhD Talk*,Advisor: Gershon Elber) on March 8th, at 13:30, Taub 301.
- Aharon Cohen will give a lecture (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Miri Ben-Chen) on January 20th, at 16:00, Taub 401.
- Yair Reani will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Miri Ben-Chen) on January 8th, at 16:00, Taub 337.
- Congratulations to Meged Shoham, Amir Vaxman and Miri Ben-Chen on winning the Best Paper Award 2nd place for their SGP 2019 paper titled: "Hierarchical Functional Maps between Subdivision Surfaces".
- Michal Edelstein will give a lecture (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Miri Ben-Chen) on June 30th, at 10:30, Taub 337.
- Saar Raz will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Miri Ben-Chen) on June 23rd, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Nadav Dym will give a lecture on July 3rd, at 11:30, Taub 401.
- Suraj Musuvathy (Senior Key Expert Scientist, Siemens Corporation Corporate Technology) will be visiting the CGGC and giving a lecture on 13.06.2019, at 11:00, Taub 401.
- Coming soon, a workshop on Image Processing, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, will be held on Thursday, June 13, 2019, in Room 337, 09:00-12:20, CS Taub Building. Please pre-register.
- Coming next, Our CGGC seminars will be given by Boris van Sosin on 2.6.2019 at 13:30, Taub 337; and by Fady Massarwi on 10.6.2019 at 14:00, Taub 337.
- Congratulations to Miri Ben-Chen on winning of the Technion prestigious Henry Taub prize for academic excellence for 2018-19. Congrats to Miri!
- Emiliano Cirillo will give a lecture on May 19th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Danielle Ezuz will present in the CGGC seminar (*PhD Talk*, Advisor: Miri Ben-Chen) on May 16th, at 10:30, Taub 401.
- Congratulations to Gershon Elber on his winning the Bézier Prize for 2019.
- David Cohen will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Miri Ben-Chen) on April 28th, at 14:00, Taub 401.
- Fady Massarwi will give a lecture on April 14th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Emiliano Cirillo joined the CGGC group from University of Lugano, as Gershon's Post Doc. Welcome Emiliano!
- Benjamin Wassermann from Technical University of Munich, will be visiting the CGGC during March 24-28 and give a lecture on March 24th, at 13:30, Taub 401.
- David Palmer from MIT will be visiting us on Thursday, March 28th and give a lecture on March 28th, at 11:00, Taub 337.
- Congratulations to Gershon Elber and Fady Massarwi, who won the "Hershel Rich"- Technion 2018-19 Innovation Award, for their research work on "Volumetric Modeling Solutions".
- Meged Shoham will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Miri Ben-Chen) on March 17th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Ben Ezair will present in the CGGC seminar (*PhD Talk*,Advisor: Gershon Elber) on March 3rd, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Sebastian Eusterholz (RWTH Aachen University) will present in the CGGC seminar on December 5th at 13:30, Taub 401.
- Orestis Vantzos and Saar Raz will give a lecture on 22.11.2018, at 09:00, Taub 401.
- Kacper Pluta will give a lecture on November 4th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Minati De (Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) will be visiting the CGGC, for a professional collaboration, during December 2018.
- Michal Edelstein, Yair Reani, Meged Shoham and Aharon Cohen joined the CGGC group as Miri's M.Sc Students. Welcome!
- Kacper Pluta joined the CGGC group from University Paris-Est, as Miri's Post Doc. Welcome Kacper!
- Mira Shalah (Computer Science Department, Stanford University) will present in the CGGC seminar on September 13th at 13:30, Taub 401.
- on September 16th, our CGGC seminar will be given by Fady Massarwi,(*PhD Talk*) at 13:30, Taub 337.
- On August 5th, Daniil Rodin will present in the CGGC seminar at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Stefanie Elgeti (RWTH Aachen University) will be visiting the CGGC, for a professional exchange, during September 4-7 and will be giving a CGGC seminar on September 5th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
Danielle Ezuz has received the prestigious Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grant for Young Scientists of the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF). Danielle Ezuz has won the first prize, and the audience's favorite prize in the CS research day poster competition.
Gil Ben-Shachar has won the second prize in the CS research day poster competition.
- Orestis Vantzos will give a lecture on June 24th, at 13:30, Taub 401.
- Ben Ezair has received the best paper award (2nd place) in SPM 2018, Bilbao, Spain, June 2018.
Congratulations to Ben! - Heli Ben Hamu from The Weizmann Institute of Science will present in the CGGC seminar on June 17th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Amir Vaxman (Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University) will present in the CGGC seminar on June 10th at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Our CGGC seminar on 27.05.2018 will be presented at 13:30 in Taub 337, by Nahum Farchi.
- Yufei Zheng will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Supervisor: Prof. Gill Barequet ) on April 22nd, at 13:30, Taub 301.
- Kacper Pluta (Computer Science Department, Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée University, France) will present in the CGGC seminar on May 13th at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Lidia Naftaliev has joined the CGGC as our new CGGC Sys Admin. Welcome Lidia!
- Saar Raz has joined the CGGC group as Miri's M.Sc Student. Welcome!
- Erkan Gunpınar (School of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University) is visiting the CGGC, for a professional exchange and will be giving a seminar on December 31st, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Ronit Marco from the Elyachar Central Library will present in the CGGC seminar on December 24th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- On December 10th, Dr. Amit Bermano (Princeton Graphics Group) will present in the CGGC seminar at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Justin Solomon (Electrical Engineering Computer Science Department, MIT) will be visiting the CGGC, for a professional exchange, during the end of January 2018 and will be giving a CGGC seminar on January 28th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- on November 28th, our CGGC seminar will be given by Adriana Schulz (MIT Computer Graphics Group) at 12:30, Taub 401.
- Next Monday, on October 23rd, Michael T. Goodrich (University of California, Irvine) will present in the CGGC seminar at 14:30, Taub 337.
In the winter semester A VR/AR course will be given in the lab jointly with GIP, more details here.
For registration please contact or Yaron Honen
- Pablo Antolin (Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne -EPFL, Switzerland) will be visiting the CGGC, for a professional exchange, during September 24-28 and will be giving a CGGC seminar on September 25th, at 14:00, Taub 337.
- David Cohen and Nahum Farchi joined the CGGC group as Miri's M.Sc Students. Welcome!
- Myung Soo Kim (Computer Science and Engineering Department, Seoul National University) and Michael Barton (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics) will be visiting the CGGC, for a professional exchange, during July 16-20. Welcome!
- Myung Soo Kim (Seoul National University, Korea) will present in the CGGC seminar on July 16th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- The paper "Precise Algebraic-based Swept Volumes for Arbitrary Free-form Shaped Tools towards Multi-axis CNC Machining Verication",by Jinesh Machchhar, Denys Plakhotnik and Gershon Elber, has received the 3rd best paper award in SPM 2017 California, USA, June 2017.
- Omri Azencot has received the prestigious Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholarship. Congrats Omri!
- Coming next, Our CGGC seminars that will be given on May and June 2017 are: on May 14 by Leonardo MartÃnez, on May 21 by Boris van Sosin and Ron Goldman, on May 28 by Amir Vaxman, on May 29 by Orestis Vantzos, on June 4 by Henry Segerman , on June 11 by Jinesh Machchhar and Ben Ezair, on June 18 by Danielle Ezuz and on June 25 by Omri Azencot.
- Yufei Zheng will present in the CGGC seminar (Advisor: Prof. Gill Barequet) on March 27th, at 13:00, Taub 337.
- On March 19th at 13:30, Taub 337, the CGGC seminar will be given by Dr. Jinesh Machchhar.
- On March 26th, the CGGC seminar will be given by Omri Azencot (*PhD Talk*) at 13:30, Taub 401.
- Boris van Sosin will present in the CGGC seminar (*Ph.D. Direct Track Seminar*, Advisor: Gershon Elber) on March 5th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Amit Bermano (Princeton Graphics Group) will visit the CGGC and give a lecture on 30.4.2017, at 13:30, Taub 337.
Mira Shalah has received the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for Women in Mathematical and Computing Sciences, awarded by a new program designed to help increase the number of women faculty members at research universities in Israel.
Congratulations to Mira!- on February 1st, our CGGC seminar will be given by Mira Shalah,(*PhD Talk*) at 13:00, Taub 337.
- Yonathan Mizrahi will present in the CGGC seminar (*PhD Talk*, Advisor: Gershon Elber) on February 5th, at 13:30, Taub 337.
The following seminar will be given by Gershon Elber in the Spring semester: “Algebraic constraints solvingâ€, 236816.
More details can be found in: Evgeni Leonti joined the CGGC as Sys Admin and Yufei Zheng as Gill's M.Sc Student. Welcome Evgeni and Yufei!
Miri Ben-Chen has received the Science Prize of German Technion Society 2017, by Israel Friends of Technion in Germany.
Congratulations to Miri!- Ben Ezair will present in the CGGC seminar on November 13th at 14:00, Taub 337 ;and Boaz Sternfeld in the CGGC seminar on December 11th at 13:30, Taub 337.
Miri Ben-Chen has received the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) grant.
The European Research Council (ERC) grants support worldwide researchers who wish to advance their research, and encourages in particular proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas and innovative approaches.
Congratulations to Miri!- Alex Shevlyakov will present in the CGGC seminar (*M.Sc. Talk*, Advisor: Miri Ben-Chen) on August 2nd, at 14:00, Taub 401.
- The paper "A B-spline based Framework for Volumetric Object Modeling", by Fady Massarwi and Gershon Elber, has received the 3rd best paper award in SPM 2016, Berlin, June 2016.
- Next year (2016/2017) the following courses will be given by members of the CGGC lab:Gill Barequet:Winter: Computational Geometry, 236719*
Spring: Seminar on Polyominoes and Polycubes, 2368XX
*236719 is prerequisite for 238739 (Discrete Algorithmic Geometry)Gershon Elber:Winter: Intro to Computer Graphics, 234325Spring: Computer Aided Geometric Design, 236716Miri Ben-Chen:Winter: Digital Geometry Processing, 236329Spring: Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics, 236629 - On 15.6.16, the CGGC seminar will be given by Omri Azencot at 13:30, Taub 337.
- Omri Azencot has received the prestigious Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grant for Young Scientists of the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF). Congrats Omri!
- Edward Chien (Department of Mathematics - Hill Center, Rutgers University) is visiting the CGGC and giving a lecture on 07.06.2016, at 14:30, Taub 337.
- Fady Massarwi and Jinesh Machchhar will present in the CGGC seminar on June 13th at 14:00, Taub 337.
- On June 5th, we will have a CGGC Seminar – M.Sc. Talk of Aviv Segall at 13:30 in Taub 401.
- On May 29th, our CGGC seminar will be given by Yongjie Jessica Zhang (Mechanical Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University) in Taub 401 at 15:00.
- Coming next, Our CGGC seminar will be given by Danielle Ezuz,(*Ph.D. Direct Track Seminar*) on 8.5.2016 at 13:30, Taub 337.
- On April 10.04.16, the CGGC seminar will be given by Stefanie Mueller (Human Computer Interaction Group, Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Germany) at Taub 337 in 13:30.
- Coming next, Our CGGC seminar will be presented on 30.03.2016 at 11:00 in Taub 337, by Jon Schull, the CEO of e-NABLE (a TCE visitor), whose helps crippled kids with 3D printed hands
- Justin Solomon (Electrical Engineering Computer Science Department, MIT) is visiting the CGGC (a guest of Prof. Miri Ben-Chen) for a professional exchange, during March 01-08, 2016. Welcome!
- The 6th annual international TCE conference (May 24-25, 2016) will focus
on recent trends in 3D Visual Computing: Graphics, Geometry and Imaging. Conference Chairs: Mirela Ben-Chen (CS Technion), Yoav Schechner (EE Technion)A complete program and list of speakers will be available on our website.Confirmed speakers include: Marc Alexa (TU Berlin, Germany), Thomas Funkhouser (Princeton University), Eitan Grinspun (Columbia University), Michael Kazhdan (Johns Hopkins), Niloy Mitra (UC London, UK), Marc Pollefeys (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Helmut Pottmann (TU Wien, Austria), Srinivasa Narasimhan (Carnegie Mellon University).
- Coming up on 02/03/2016 at 10:30 in Taub 401 the CGGC seminar will be given by Justin Solomon, MIT (Department of Electrical Engineering Computer Science).
- Myung Soo Kim (Seoul National University, Korea), Maks Ovsjanikov and Etienne Corman(Ecole Polytechnique University, France) are visiting us during February 21-27, 2016. Welcome!
On Feb 22nd, we will have a mini-symposium held by 4 lecturers: Myung Soo Kim (Seoul National University, Korea), Mathias Höbinger (Evolute GmbH), Jinesh Machchhar (Technion) and Etienne Corman-PhD (Ecole Polytechnique University, France). See here for more information.
- Boaz Sternfeld joined the CGGC as our new lab engineer. Welcome Boaz!
- Coming up on December 2015, CGGC seminars: 06/12/2015, 13/12/2015
- Our next CGGC seminar will be held on 15/11/2015, 13:30, Taub 337
- Check out our new proposed projects for Winter semester 2015/2016.Have questions? Come and chat with us during the new projects fair on 21.10.2015.
- Inbal Barazani joined the CGGC as our new admin. Welcome Inbal!
- This year the CGGC lab will give the following courses:Gill Barequet:Winter: 236719 Computational geometrySpring: 238739 Discrete algorithmic geometryGershon Elber:Winter: 234325 Computer GraphicsSpring: 236716 Computer Aided Geometric DesignMiri Ben-Chen:Spring: 234325 Computer GraphicsNew projects for Winter 2015 coming soon!
- Our next CGGC seminar will be held at 07/10/2015, 13:00, Taub 401
- The paper "Functional Thin Films on Surfaces", by Omri Azencot, Orestis Vantzos, Max Wardetzky, Martin Rumpf and Mirela Ben-Chen has received the best paper award (one of three) at the SCA 2015 conference, LA, August 2015.
- Yoni Mizrahi has received the "Lior Merkin Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics†from the the applied math department at the Technion. Congrats Yoni!
- Omri Azencot has received the prestigious Adams scholarship for the academic year 2015/2016.Congrats Omri!
Jinesh Machchhar joined the CGGC group as Gershon's Post Doc. Welcome Jinesh!
- Come check out our booth on the department's open day for undergrads on the 19.2!See a few projects completed in the lab, and chat with our students.
- Omri Azencot has received the Jacobs-Qualcomm scholarship for the academic year 2014/2015.Congrats Omri!
- Ben Ezair joined the CGGC group as Gershon's Ph.D student. Welcome Ben!
- Sigal Zemach, our admin, has received the excellent employee award from the CS department, today, 2.11.14. Congratulations Sigal on a very well-deserved award!
- The paper "Precise gouging-free tool orientations for 5-axis CNC machining", by Yong-Joon Kim, Gershon Elber, Michael Barton, and Helmut Pottmann has received the best paper award, 2nd place, in the SPM 2014 conference, HK, HK, October 2014.
- Congratulations to Natalie Polansky and Yaniv Hasbani for winning one of the third prizes (and 5000$!) in Intel's International Perceptual Computing Showcase, on their CGGC project InteliTouch, supervised by Omri Azencot.