Prof. Gill Barequet

Gill Barequet (Ph.D. - Tel Aviv University, 1994), has
been a member of the Technion's CS faculty since 1998. His main interest
is discrete and computational geometry - an area which makes intensive
use of theoretical fields, such as combinatorics, graph theory, number
theory, etc., but also has a wide range of practical applications, such
as computer-aided geometric design, solid modeling, computer graphics,
medical imaging, etc.
Personal site
Associate Prof. Miri Ben-Chen

Miri Ben-Chen (Ph.D. - Technion - Israel Institute of
Technology, 2009), has been a member of the Technion's CS faculty since
2012. Her main interests include computer graphics, geometry processing,
discrete differential geometry, conformal geometry and shape analysis
and understanding.
Personal site
Prof. Gershon Elber

Gershon Elber (Ph.D. - University of Utah, 1992), has
been a member of the Technion's CS faculty since 1993. His main
interests include geometric modeling and computer graphics using
freeform geometry, including computation aspects, direct and non
photorealistic rendering, Web-based geometry and visualization, and
design and manufacturing.
Personal site
Prof. Craig Gotsman

Craig Gotsman (Ph.D. - Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
1991), has been a member of the Technion's CS faculty since 1992. His
main interests include computer graphics, geometry processing and
Web-based graphics - optimizations for transmission and rendering,
parametrization, meshing, morphing, visibility, and animation.
Personal site
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